LGB SME Private Debt Fund

Guernsey-based rollup fund aiming to generate steadily compounding returns from a well-diversified portfolio of fixed-income holdings. 

Leveraging on LGB’s expertise in secured SME lending, the fund has delivered its target return of 6-7% p.a

Access the latest factsheet here.

LGB SME Private Debt Fund - Performance since inception

Issuer concentration

MTN Maturity profile

Asset allocation and sourcing

The fund seeks to maintain an asset allocation of around 95% in secured corporate loans and medium term note issues (MTNs).
 The fund maintains a cash position of at least 5% of NAV.
The investments are mainly originated and arranged by LGB Capital Markets, who also monitors its MTN programmes through quarterly audits..

Risk Management


The fund follows strict concentration and credit risk policies.

The key risk metrics are monitored on an ongoing basis.

The metrics considered to limit risk and achieve sufficient diversification include the maturity profilesnumber of issuers, individual issuer exposure and credit standing .

The LGB SME Private Debt Fund is authorised by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission and is available in the UK on a restricted basis to Investment Professionals, High Net Worth Investors and Sophisticated Investors (read the client classification specifics here).